For High Schools: Empower Neurodivergent Students' Pathways
Support the 21% of students who are neurodivergent with a streamlined approach to post-secondary planning. Pathlitics equips college counselors, transition coordinators, and special educators with an advanced, searchable database of colleges, gap year programs, occupations and other opportunities. In addition, high schools and their families access real student insights into their experiences and pathways to help students determine their best-fit next step.
Pathlitics empowers your high school to track student and alumni trajectories, save hours of time on research, and illuminate options that truly resonate with families. Transform how your school supports post-secondary success by giving students the tools to self-advocate and explore their futures with confidence.
Benefits for Students & Families
Actively transition plan by researching paths to find the best fit for each student.
Access authentic, first-hand alumni reviews for 2-year, 4-year, vo-tech, gap year, summer, transition, work, military, apprenticeship programs.
Proprietary database offers insights into hundreds of programs & their support levels.
Opportunities to connect with alumni in colleges, programs, careers, to help shape paths.
Community promotes self-advocacy.
Benefits for Schools
Database: Strengthen knowledge of how each college/program supports students. Access proprietary first-hand reviews shared by recent grads throughout the country.
Alumni Tracking: Effectively capture alumni pathways and outcomes (incentive funded by Pathlitics).
Alumni Portal: Through micro-communities, strengthen engagement with alumni & families. Pathlitics remains a reliable central communication tool as students become alumni.
For Colleges & Programs: Reach new applicants poised to thrive
Pathlitics is the only solution that provides colleges with direct access to the 21% of high school students with disabilities, their college counselors, and parents/guardians.
Students who possess self-advocacy skills are more likely to graduate than their peers who do not. By joining the Pathlitics platform, students demonstrate their commitment to developing these essential self-advocacy skills as part of an engaged community. Pathlitics is an online platform that prepares students for postsecondary success.
Knowledge: our extensive database and student/alumni testimonials inform students about the wide range of college options to help identify their best learning environment.
Community: a safe, inclusive, and confidential space for knowledge sharing and support. Pathlitics normalizes disabilities and builds self-advocacy skills.
Through Pathlitics, colleges can attract future students, elevate their school’s profile and outreach, and gather unique insights from current students and alumni.
Pathlitics Essentials
Enhance your program’s profile with a powerful feedback loop.
Survey Tool: invite alumni to share feedback on their experience, respond to reviews
Ambassadors: responders elect to answer direct questions about their experience
FERPA-compliant, identities are masked yet verified
Pathlitics Growth
Manage your branding & augment outreach.
Pathlitics Essentials
Lead Generation: message prospects who add your program to their list
Lead Capture: students/families elect to share their contact information
Special Messaging Section
Events Section